Thursday, February 18, 2010


i am still suffered toothache, really hate this feeling
miss my mom at the moment,
and.....i wondering why people including me got toothache????

Causes of Toothaches

The main cause of toothache is tooth decay, which results from a faulty diet. Perhaps the greatest curse and cause of tooth decay is the consumption of candy, soft drinks, pastries, refined carbohydrates and sugar in all forms. Bacteria in the mouth breaks sugar down into acids, which combine with the calcium in the enamel to cause decay or erosion.

Remedies for Toothache

  • Remedies for Tooth ache using Garlic

Among the most effective home remedies for toothache is garlic. A clove of garlic with a little rock salt should be placed on the affected tooth. It will relieve the pain and, sometimes, may even cure it. A clove should also be chewed daily in the morning. It will make the cure teeth making it strong and healthy.

  • Toothache relief using Onion

Latest research has confirmed the bactericidal properties of onion. If a person consumes one raw onion every day by thorough mastication, he will be protected from host of tooth disorders. Chewing raw onion for three minutes is sufficient to kill all the germs in the mouth. Toothache is often allayed by placing a small piece of onion on the bad tooth or gum.

  • Remedies for Tooth ache using Lime

Lime, as a rich source of vitamin C, is useful in maintaining the health of the teeth and other bones of the body. It prevents decay and loosening of the teeth, dental caries, toothache, and bleeding of the gums

  • Toothache cure using Wheat Grass

The juice of wheat grass acts as an excellent mouthwash for tooth decay and cures toothaches. Wheat grass can be chewed with beneficial results. It draws out toxins from the gums and thus checks bacterial growth.

but, the effective remedies for me is just wash mouth with salty water...
just try it....

1 comment:

  1. wow...calm down okay..don't crying at night anymore...just go to clinic and pull out your teeth...hahaha
